We’re completely settled into our new home. It’s funny… Charleston really is starting to feel like “home”. We LOVE the area and our apartment is absolutely perfect. We’ve been busy exploring our new city, trying new restaurants, and meeting new friends. We bought a second car - a Kia, and we’re very happy with it. We took a day trip to Savannah, Georgia at the end of July and LOVED it there. I think it’s my 2nd favorite city now (after Boston, of course!). We took a trolley tour of the downtown area, walked around the city streets, had coffee at a cute little cafe, and ate dinner at Paula Deen’s restaurant called The Lady and Sons. We had a fabulous time there and we’ll definitely be going back this winter to see more of the city when it isn’t so hot!
View of part of our living room & Kitchen from the balcony.
My favorite spot in our house. This is what you see as you walk in the front door - all the places we’ve lived! We’ll add to this whenever we move :)
Our OTHER new car!
Us in Savannah, Georgia.
Carolina Girl with a BOSTON heart!! <3
Rob is in his 4th week of Nuclear Power School and is doing very well. He has been working really hard and is usually on base from 4:30AM-4:30PM during the week. The early morning hours allow him to be home for dinner, and I’m loving that. We’re getting used to this “new” normal and trying to take advantage of all of this together-time before we get into a deployment schedule next year.
Rob in his Friday whites.
Me with my NAVY WIFE t-shirt that Rob bought me :)
I’ve been applying for jobs since the day we moved into our apartment. The search process has been exhausting and honestly really depressing. My resume is stellar and my references are great, but there are just NO JOBS here! I search 4 job sites, craigslist, USA Jobs, and higherEd jobs twice a day. I have email alerts directed to my iPhone, I have my resume posted on multiple sites. Nothing. There’s nothing. The only jobs I can find are in the IT industry, nursing, or at fast-food restaurants. I’m trying to stay positive about the whole search but I’m getting tired. I’m frustrated by the process every day. Thankfully, I left BSC on fabulous terms and they’ve been offering me amazing part-time work. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to work a bit from home while I’ve been in Charleston. Having a project to work on for BSC really gives me purpose every day (outside of being a wife and still searching for jobs..). I’ve been making a little bit of extra cash, and I’ve been able to add the experience to my resume. There is a possibility that I may be able to extend this work with BSC, but that’s not for sure yet. I’m also still waiting to hear back on another possible contracted job with a dear friend. Holding my breath, crossing my fingers, and hoping something fabulous is right around the corner for me. Rob has been cheering me on through this whole process and has truly been my crutch through our first big move and transition into Navy life. I’m thankful every day to be married to my best friend.
Anyway, with the stress of our first BIG move, NPS for Rob, and my own job search, we’ve been actively trying to carve out time for FUN. Rob has been going for runs, reading, and keeping his mind sharp with Physics problems (no, I’m not kidding!). I’ve been busy putting all of our pictures from the last year in albums, trying a million new recipes, keeping in touch with family & friends, and training our new “baby”, CHARLIE.. our Cairn Terrier Puppy!!
Check back tomorrow for a WHOLE post dedicated to our new Prince.. Charlie!
Love you all,