I really, really love my family. And I was the HAPPIEST girl when they were here visiting last week.
Mom, Dad and Mary hopped in the RV and drove to Charleston on Saturday 11/19. They arrived early Sunday afternoon, hung out with us for a bit, and then Mom & Dad headed to their campground on James Island to set up for the night. Mary set up camp on our couch and got to know her doggie nephew, Charlie :)
Sisters!! First time seeing each other in 6 MONTHS!
We met my parents in Downtown Charleston for dinner Sunday night and feasted on Hush Puppies and seafood at Hymans. After dinner my parents went back to the campground and Mary, Rob and I headed back to our apartment.
Rob and Mary waiting in line at Hyman’s 11/20/11.
Mom & Dad being silly at Hyman’s.
Hyman’s 11/20/11.
Rob worked Monday and my parents picked me, Mary and Charlie up for the day. We hung out at their campsite and fussed over Charlie eating every stupid acorn he could find (edit: which turned out to be a phase, thank GOD). Rob arrived around dinner time and Dad grilled some burgers and hot dogs. We roasted marshmallows and enjoyed the campfire for a while before we headed home for the evening.
MaryMoo and CharlieRoo in Mom & Dad’s motorhome!
At Mom & Dad’s campsite 11/21/11.
At Mom & Dad’s campsite 11/21/11.
My parents did some touristy stuff in Charleston on Tuesday while Mary and I had some sister time. We went to lunch with Alyson and shopped in Mt. Pleasant. Rob and I took Mary to Sonic for dinner and she LOVED her burger just as much as we thought she would. Sonic really is amazing, you know.
Mary enjoying her burger at Sonic 11/22/11.
On Wednesday my parents packed up their RV, checked out of the campground, and checked IN to the rental apartment in our apartment community. It was really nice to have them right next door for the last few days of their stay. We lounged around on Wednesday and then Rob and I took my fam to Magnolias for dinner. It was DELICIOUS (again) and Mom, Dad & Mar really liked their meals. The night ended on a bit of a sour note as I experienced ANOTHER allergic reaction (still not sure what I’m allergic to) and passed out in a Benadryll induced coma around 8PM.
Dinner at Magnolias 11/23/11.
Dinner at Magnolias 11/23/11.
I woke up feeling fine on Thanksgiving morning and popped all 22LBS of my FIRST EVER Thanksgiving turkey into the oven. I cooked for most of the day and just enjoyed having my family around for the holiday. I made mashed potatoes, butternut squash, stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy, apple pie, cranberry almond bars, and other little treats. The turkey was cooked to perfection and dinner was delicious. My first Thanksgiving was a success! I’m very proud, if you couldn’t tell already… :) We all ate WAY too much, and settled in to watch Elf - our Thanksgiving night tradition.
My first Thanksgiving meal!
Our first Thanksgiving as a married couple :)
Mary and I woke up at 4:30AM on Black Friday to go shopping. We headed to the Tanger Outlets in North Charleston and scored some AWESOME deals. It was fun to get into the Christmas spirit with my sissy :) We got home around 9AM and Mary packed up her things. Mom, Dad, Rob and I drove her to the airport for her 12PM flight.
Sisters on Black Friday morning.
After we dropped Mary off Mom, Dad, Rob and I went out to lunch and went to Ft. Sumter for a tour. It was a gorgeous day and we enjoyed the ferry ride and history at the fort. We ate leftovers for dinner and lounged on our porch for the rest of the night.
Mom, Dad & Rob at Ft. Sumter 11/25/11.
Mom and Dad packed checked out of the apartment, packed up the RV and left early Saturday morning. I moped around the house and sobbed for a while (half joking here) and then Rob and I spent the remainder of our Thanksgiving weekend eating leftovers and starting our Christmas decorating :)